Frequent Itemset Mining Implementations Repository

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FIMI 2004 implementations are available online!
  • Ferenc Bodon: (Website)
    A fast APRIORI implementation (FIMI03: Paper, Implementation)
    Surprising Results of Trie-based FIM Algorithms (FIMI04: Paper, Implementation)
  • Attila Gyenesei and Jukka Teuhola:
    Probabilistic Iterative Expansion of Candidates in Mining Frequent Itemsets (FIMI03: Paper, Implementation)
  • Takeaki Uno, Tatsuya Asai, Yuzo Uchida, and Hiroki Arimura:
    LCM: An Efficient Algorithm for Enumerating Frequent Closed Item Sets (FIMI03: Paper, Implementation)
    LCM ver. 2: Efficient Mining Algorithms for Frequent/Closed/Maximal Itemsets (FIMI04: Paper, Implementation)
  • Guimei Liu, Hongjun Lu, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Wang Wei, and Xiangye Xiao:
    AFOPT: An Efficient Implementation of Pattern Growth Approach (FIMI03: Paper, Implementation)
  • Doug Burdick, Manuel Calimlim, Jason Flannick, Johannes Gehrke, and Tomi Yiu: (Website)
    MAFIA: A Performance Study of Mining Maximal Frequent Itemsets (FIMI03: Paper, Implementation)
  • Gosta Grahne and Jianfei Zhu: (Website)
    Efficiently Using Prefix-trees in Mining Frequent Itemsets (FIMI03: Paper, Implementation)
    (FIMI04: Paper, Implementation)
  • Taneli Mielikäinen: (Website)
    Intersecting data to closed sets with constraints (FIMI03: Paper, Implementation)
  • Takeaki Uno and Ken Satoh:
    Detailed Description of an Algorithm for Enumeration of Maximal Frequent Sets with Irredundant Dualization (FIMI03: Paper, Implementation)
  • Salvatore Orlando, Claudio Lucchese, Paolo Palmerini, Raffaele Perego, and Fabrizio Silvestri: (Website)
    kDCI: a Multi-Strategy Algorithm for Mining Frequent Sets (FIMI03: Paper, Implementation)
    (FIMI04: Paper, Implementation)
  • Vikram Pudi and Jayant Haritsa:
    ARMOR: Association Rule Mining based on ORacle (FIMI03: Paper, Implementation)
  • Christian Borgelt: (Website)
    Efficient Implementations of Apriori and Eclat (FIMI03: Paper, Implementation)
    (FIMI04: Paper, Implementation)
  • Amos Fiat and Sagi Shporer:
    AIM: Another Itemset Miner (FIMI03: Paper, Implementation)
    AIM2: Improved implementation of AIM (FIMI04: Paper, Implementation)
  • Walter A. Kosters and Wim Pijls: (Website)
    Apriori, a depth-first implementation (FIMI03: Paper, Implementation)
  • Osmar R. Zaďane and Mohammed El-Hajj:
    COFI-tree Mining: A New Approach to Pattern Growth with Reduced Candidacy Generation (FIMI03: Paper, Implementation)
  • Andrea Pietracaprina and Dario Zandolin:
    Mining Frequent Itemsets using Patricia Tries (FIMI03: Paper, Implementation)
  • Frédéric Flouvat, Fabien De Marchi and Jean-Marc Petit :
    ABS: Adaptive Borders Search of frequent itemsets (FIMI04: Paper, Implementation)
  • Claudio Lucchese, Salvatore Orlando and Raffaele Perego :
    DCI Closed: A Fast and Memory Efficient Algorithm to Mine Frequent Closed Itemsets (FIMI04: Paper, Implementation)
  • Eray Özkural and Cevdet Aykanat :
    A Space Optimization for FP-Growth (FIMI04: Paper, Implementation)
  • Balázs Rácz :
    nonordfp: An FP-growth variation without rebuilding the FP-tree (FIMI04: Paper, Implementation)
  • Lars Schmidt-Thieme :
    Algorithmic Features of Eclat (FIMI04: Paper, Implementation)
  • Yudho Giri Sucahyo and Raj P. Gopalan:
    CT-PRO: A Bottom-Up Non Recursive Frequent Itemset Mining Algorithm Using Compressed FP-Tree Data Structure (FIMI04: Paper, Implementation)